Category Archives: 30 Day Drawing Challenge

A drawing challenge and a loaded nacho bacon fries post.

I’ve got quite a bit to write about today and I guarantee you’ll find (at least some of) it interesting!

Firstly, a 30 Day Drawing Challenge! (allenge, allenge allenge!) To keep our creative juices flowing, and because with every single drawing comes improvement, we should be creating at least one piece of artwork a day. Sharing it is a bonus because you receive feedback, and you’ll always have archives of your work that you can look back on. So I challenge you to take this challenge with me! If you don’t think you have time then you’re wrong. There is always time to improve yourself! Speaking of…

Day 1 -Yourself


Dreamcatchers are something that I love and am learning how to make. If I’m successful (and even if I’m not) you will see pictures! Don’t forget to link me so I can see yours Day 1’s!

So this selfie kind of brings up the other thing I wanted to write about today!

I’ve recently had the honor of being awarded The Dragon Loyalty Award by Joshua Robertson! He has some lovely work and is just starting a new book! If you like a good read you should follow this guy 🙂

I am so honored to receive this



In order to accept the Dragon’s Loyalty Award and Versatile Blogger Reward, the following rules apply:

1. Display the Award on your Blog.
2. Announce your win with a post and thank the Blogger who awarded you.
3. Present 15 deserving Bloggers with the Award
4. Link your awardees in the post and let them know of their being awarded.
5. Write seven interesting things about you.

Hmm interesting things about me… I don’t find myself all that interesting but maybe I’ll get lucky and you will!

1. I was diagnosed with Tourette’s Syndrome in high school. I’d always thought there was something wrong with me and it was almost a relief to have a Doctor tell me there was a reason for my behavior. I don’t scream swear words (unless I want to) but I can say some pretty messed up stuff sometimes without even realizing it. (Though probably a lot of people do.) The biggest obstacle Tourette’s has presented me with is hindering my ability to draw smooth, neat lines. I’m always jamming the pencil into the paper randomly and making holes and spots that make me want to crumple it up and walk away. Sometimes you can see it in my videos when there are big old scribbles and spots from me jamming on my poor old tablet. Nothing has really been able to help this but I’m still drawing every day and nothing is going to stop me because I love it.


And I’m not afraid to laugh at myself because everyone else is anyway 😉

2. I once had a piece in the Everson Museum in Syracuse as part of an exhibit for people overcoming disabilities. At first I felt weird about it. It was an exhibit for disabled people, and I was trying every day to look and feel normal! But I realized something, and that’s that you should never be ashamed of any aspect of yourself. Everything that makes you up is part of who you are, and who you are is wonderful, even if you don’t think so. I was proud to be a part of the exhibit because I could show the world that even though I had a hindering disability, I wan’t going to let it stop me from doing what I love.



This is the piece I submitted in 2011 that hung next to some other very beautiful works of art you would never believe came from the hands of a disabled person. It was a shining moment for all of us 🙂

3. My dad is a great musician on the Syracuse music scene and I can barely play chopsticks on the piano. I’ve always wanted to learn music but somehow it’s impossible. That’s why I plan to spend some time with my guitar this summer.

4. I quit my retail job to become a professional artist. If you’ve read my about me page then you already know this. I think that creativity is an amazing gift that you were given, so you can do what you love to put food on the table. I strongly believe that if you’re working a job that does not challenge you as an artist, you are wasting your time. Develop your skills and use them to change the word, or even just one person. I’ll be honest, I’m a little afraid of not knowing where my next paycheck is coming from. But if I didn’t take this chance I could be earning those little tiny paychecks for the rest of my miserable life. If you believe in yourself, so will everyone else.

5. I’m on medication for depression. Though let’s be honest, who’s not these days? This is something I’m trying to work through. I believe that exercise, good food, sleep and mental well-being is the key to being happy, but some people have a chemical imbalance in their brain that just doesn’t let them feel “right.” Though living a healthy lifestyle definitely helps you feel much better, I believe that it’s ok to take medication as long as you don’t become dependent on it. It helps you to see things through almost a different pair of eyes so you can work through things yourself. This is something I’m working on.

6. I don’t really have any friends. Please don’t get me wrong I have friends and people that I care about very very much, but I don’t feel particularly close to anyone that I even live close enough to to hang out with. My days consist of hanging around at home working on projects or walking around downtown Ithaca trying not to look like a hipster in these glasses. I used to have a best friend I did everything with but she’s living further away and getting ready for TWINS! I’m going to be an Aunty Em!

7. I want to work on Adventure Time before it jumps the shark. It should be a long before the show is cancelled. They pretty much set themselves up another three or four seasons with all the juicy stories being stirred up and they’re doing really well! AT has been my favorite show since it came out and someday I want to be the one behind the scenes who is responsible for that extremely well-placed fart joke or crazy innuendo.


What goes around comes around, so here are the new winners of the Dragon Loyalty Award in no particular order! I haven’t been a part of wordpress for very long,  so I don’t even follow 15 people, but here are a few people whose posts inspire me 🙂

1. tricornhat

2. Watercolor 365

3. Tasneem Amirudden

4. Donncha

5. HalbSchattenBaum

Can’t wait to see your selfies!

