Tag Archives: lesson

I Swear I’ve been Doing Stuff

I’m still not happy with Lauren’s design. I’ve only drawn one thing that even feels like her


But when I tried to expand from this design, I’m not pleased. 


She looks too static, when her overall form should be looser and more free. I also want softer colors, and to work on her hair and face.

I guess I know what I’ll be doing for the next few days 😉

Roarin’ Lauren Character Design

My buddy Andrew (Forming a System) and I are working on a story whose characters I had drawn out many years ago, and recently found in an old sketchbook. I will continue to post these character developments as I draw them. It’s a great story and I’m very excited about it.

Here is a new character created by Andrew named Lauren. Or as I affectionately refer to her, Roarin’ Laurnen.


She is still in the development as her design isn’t solid yet. This is a good start but she looks too sweet, I feel she’s a bit more rough of a character.

When you’re designing characters, don’t be afraid to draw whatever you feel and draw a lot. You can always take parts of what you like from every drawing to complete your person. What I did to figure out Lauren was start a folder with her name, and put in pictures and things that I feel inspire her character and would make her who she is.

Time lapse video of this drawing to come soon!

Happy Drawing!