Tag Archives: design

Failure is a Choice

Recently I submitted some concept art to a studio for the chance to be a part of the movie making process, something I’ve wanted to do since I was a little kid. Creating animated movies is the only thing I want to do with my life. I was more excited than I’ve ever been for a crack at the career I’ve always wanted.

The test was to create otherworldly armor for angel beings going to war. I worked on this piece for two days. I believe I put more time into it than I’ve ever put into anything, because I wanted it so much.angel armor

But it wasn’t good enough. All I got back was that they were looking for someone with more experience.

How are is anyone supposed to gain experience when they’re not given the opportunity to gain experience?

Even though it didn’t land me my dream job, I’m still proud of this piece. And even though I was brought from my highest, happiest point to my lowest, most depressed point, I still got something out of it.

Try harder. Because failure is a choice.

I Swear I’ve been Doing Stuff

I’m still not happy with Lauren’s design. I’ve only drawn one thing that even feels like her


But when I tried to expand from this design, I’m not pleased. 


She looks too static, when her overall form should be looser and more free. I also want softer colors, and to work on her hair and face.

I guess I know what I’ll be doing for the next few days 😉

Roarin’ Lauren Character Design

My buddy Andrew (Forming a System) and I are working on a story whose characters I had drawn out many years ago, and recently found in an old sketchbook. I will continue to post these character developments as I draw them. It’s a great story and I’m very excited about it.

Here is a new character created by Andrew named Lauren. Or as I affectionately refer to her, Roarin’ Laurnen.


She is still in the development as her design isn’t solid yet. This is a good start but she looks too sweet, I feel she’s a bit more rough of a character.

When you’re designing characters, don’t be afraid to draw whatever you feel and draw a lot. You can always take parts of what you like from every drawing to complete your person. What I did to figure out Lauren was start a folder with her name, and put in pictures and things that I feel inspire her character and would make her who she is.

Time lapse video of this drawing to come soon!

Happy Drawing!

FREE EBOOK! Forming a System by Andrew Uphoff and me! (kind of)

So remember that book cover I made a little while back?


CHECK IT OUT you can get this book FOR FREE just this weekend. Free book? Who turns down a free good read? 

When Andrew first sent me the story I could not put it down. Honestly it’s worth the very few megabytes of data to download it. 

Basically, our main character Rey Lionheart is a genius programmer who manages a ley system (which totally builds entire planets). This is her system and she knows all the ins and outs. When something goes wrong and even she doesn’t understand this weird error message, Rey must get to the bottom of things. After all, she is being watched, and not just by the beings worried about the ley crystal. Someone else has their eyes on her as well. 

This story has it all in one neat package. Take this adventure with me. It’s free. Come on. 

Download the ebook here

This is a great story by a great author and deserves some awesome support. I can’t tell you how much I admire him for finishing it and putting it out there, that is something I’ve never been able to do with any of my stories. And don’t forget, it’s free on May 24th -25th so you have literally nothing to lose!
