Tag Archives: boho

New River Mountain Pin on Etsy :)

I could sit for hours and make these ❤

Here’s my newest one, with Tiger’s Eye for Protection and Stabilization!

river-mountainI would be happy to take requests on custom orders and I have lots of stones to choose from! If you’re interested, please check out my shop The Ohm Home on Etsy. All the money earned is going towards starting my own business 🙂

Much love, as always ❤

Meditation Stone Buttons on Etsy

Hi all!

My bracelets sold so well I decided to dabble with some more stones! I finished making these today and wanted to share them with you. If you’d like to know what stones I used and their meanings, you can see my listing here! If you have an idea for a pin you’d like me to make, please don’t hesitate to contact me! I’m really nice 🙂





Thanks for looking ❤

Roarin’ Lauren Character Design

My buddy Andrew (Forming a System) and I are working on a story whose characters I had drawn out many years ago, and recently found in an old sketchbook. I will continue to post these character developments as I draw them. It’s a great story and I’m very excited about it.

Here is a new character created by Andrew named Lauren. Or as I affectionately refer to her, Roarin’ Laurnen.


She is still in the development as her design isn’t solid yet. This is a good start but she looks too sweet, I feel she’s a bit more rough of a character.

When you’re designing characters, don’t be afraid to draw whatever you feel and draw a lot. You can always take parts of what you like from every drawing to complete your person. What I did to figure out Lauren was start a folder with her name, and put in pictures and things that I feel inspire her character and would make her who she is.

Time lapse video of this drawing to come soon!

Happy Drawing!

HUGE Etsy Sale!

Hey all! I’ve just dramatically cut the prices of everything in my Etsy shop, because who doesn’t love sales! Most everything starts at $5.


You’ll find cute wooden pendants, pins, keychains and earrings which are totally customizable. Don’t be afraid to ask for different colors and patterns, most all of my pieces are custom made for YOU. Come visit The Ohm Home. What have you got to lose 🙂

Don’t forget, it’s for a good cause